Holy Ducklings

Monday, October 15, 2012

Religious Icon For Little Girls :)

In a world full of Dora's and Strawberry Shortcakes, it's difficult to come upon a religious icon that appeals to young girls.

Because of this, I consider myself blessed to have come across the book series Alice in Bibleland by Alice Joyce Davidson.

Alice, a little blond girl around the age of 4-5 years old, is modestly dressed, and travels to Bibleland via her Bible that has transformed in to a "great big giant screen." Here, she witnesses firsthand some of the greatest stories in the Bible; Noah, Jonah, the Nativity, Moses, David & Goliath, Easter story, and many more. Like Dora, these stories have great adventure appeal, but with a religious and valuable twist.

Not only does my daughter have a religious icon to look up to, but is now learning and memorizing stories from the bible! Thanks to the writer, memorizing these stories is a lot easier because she implements rhyming into each one of her books to help convey God's word to little ones :)

Now..I'm just waiting for someone to make these books into a movie :) Wouldn't that be nice!

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