Holy Ducklings

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Five Favorites of the Day

Moxie Wife  hosts a five favorites link-up every Wednesday....this week I thought I'd join in. So, here it is...a list of my top five favorite things of the day.....

1. The Duggars

Love this family....they are truly blessed. What an exemplary model of a family that defines what it means to have a servant heart. 

2. Egyptian Licorice Yogi Tea

A nice way to unwind from a long day....love the way this hot sweet tea slides down your throat....yum :)

3. Twistable Crayons

What? Crayons that don't break....what more could you ask for.....awesome!

4. Froggy Books

These books are great....it seems like Froggy is always forgetting something! Better yet, they always make my kids laugh each time we read them!

5. Gymboree Play and Learn Book

Great book that breaks down activities for different ages of your children.....from baby to age 5. Lots of good stuff in here!

1 comment:

  1. I heart the Duggars. I have read both their books and really enjoyed them.
