Holy Ducklings

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Special Bedtime Ritual

A Special Bedtime Ritual 

In our family, reading in as essential part of our daily activity. That's why it's not a surprise that books are part of our nightly bedtime ritual. After our nightly prayers, my son has a book already selected and laid out on his bed for me to read to him. Sometimes if mommy is extra energetic and motivated, I might read more. After performing an array of character's voices and answering questions about the story's plot, it's time to unwind the bedtime ritual. Sometimes I will sing a song.....and sometimes he or she will fall asleep mid chorus.... or maybe they are pretending to fall asleep because my voice sounds so horrible (LOL!) After the story/stories some nights I do something extra special... I tell them at least 10 reasons why I love them. In my opinion, this is the most special bedtime ritual of them all. 

How do I have the time and energy to spend this allotted amount with each child?

My husband and I currently have two children and we take turns with each child. This way, each child has a night with mommy or daddy to pray, read, sing, and talk. Eventually, as our family grows, we will have to probably gather in one room. As for now, this ritual works great. 

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